Tuesday, 22 November 2011

if i could, then i would.

Tomorrow I have my Nottingham trent admissions test and I am so scared, so I thought that it was important that I get some blog posts done to catch up with my absence lately and to try and take my mind off of the fact that my future is getting even closer. Kent admissions test is on monday.
My friend is applying for journalism too, we have a couple of the same choices (Bournemouth and Nottingham Trent) so I have always been scared that she would get in to Bournemouth and I wouldn't. But today I was shocked when she opened up track and found that she had been rejected by Bournemouth. I have been worrying for weeks that I hadn't heard anything back from them and I still haven't, but after that I am taking the no reply as a positive, as it means that I haven't been rejected. I saw the look on her face as she read it out, I wanted to cry for her, she has had her heart set on Bournemouth. I just didn't know what to say. I didn't want to seem like I was bragging by saying to her that I still hadn't heard back, as it would not have been intentional if it had come across in that way. So I just sat there saying nothing, other than ask her if she was okay, and that I couldn't believe that she had been rejected as I genuinely believed she was going to be selected other than me; I am aware that I have not been selected myself yet, I have also not been rejected either.
So stress seems to be the word of the month for me right now. It creeps up everywhere. That's what you get for doing Alevels I suppose and applying for uni! Also the fact that I am trying to cram a whole English Literature A level in to one whole year!!
I had a meeting with my principle today, which was slightly intimidating. I don't know why I get so nervy around her, as whenever I have spoken to her she has been really nice, I suppose it's just because she is the 'big bad principle'. Everyone in the year has one, so she can check to see how we are getting on in our final year and how we are managing with our exams. She reassured me that with four a levels, that I am going to get my 340 ucas points (Bournemouth is my highest entry requirement) no bother, as I have 120 points from Art and design already secured.
I am doing a photo shoot this week (it was meant to be last week but myself and the models were ill), I am super super excited! I am going to be doing two. First is an Alice in Winter Wonderland themed shoot, which is going to be my absolute favourite, I have inflatable flamingos and everything! The second is going to be a slightly more gothic one, with photography of a church setting with my models in 'heavy' dark clothing. My brief is to create 4 different covers for ID magazine, with the theme of winter and has to represent 'high end fashion'. It is so exciting. I will post my photos on here once I have done the shoot, I would love feedback, as it all helps with my evaluation.


  1. good luck! I had to do admissions tests for nursing, they're terrifying! haha.

    bournemouth is where I'm originally from and the media at the uni is amazing :) and right next to AUCB which is like the most creative friendliest school in the world! haha

    good luck :) xoxo

  2. Thankyou!
    People have recently told me that Bournemouth isn't very good, which is annoying considering it was one of my favourites! xx
